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Before proceeding, please check below to see if your HX-2 is a 16GB or a 32GB.
Your serial number can be located on the back of the unit, or via "System Settings -> About Tablet -> Model & Hardware -> Serial Number".
Please enter your serial number below to check which model it is
If your unit is 16GB: please click here.
If your unit is 32GB: please click here.
Serial number ends in 11059 or lower.
Your device needs to be sent into Hema to be updated.
There are two options to do this:
Option 1
You can elect to send your device into Hema:
- PO Box 4365, Eight Mile Plains, QLD 4113
- 3 Wyman Place Braeside VIC 3195
and we’ll do the updates to ensure the Hema Nav is operating and send it back to you asap.
Please include your name, phone number, email address and return postal address.
Option 2
A premium service of $99 where we’ll send you a reply-paid post bag, the device comes back to Hema for updating, it is re-flashed and returned to you with a three- year membership extension along with one year free of our Hema ‘4WD Maps’ pack.
The premium option will ensure you won’t need to renew your software and maps subscription on expiry (Usually $199) within the next three years, plus it will also give you one year free of our Hema 4WD Map package usable in the ‘4WD Maps’ application on your device.
Click here to view and purchase on the Hema Maps Store.
Serial number ends in 11060 or higher.
There are three options to proceed from:
Option 1
Self service – this can be completed remotely — so long as you can connect to a PC and connect to Wi-Fi to update the software.
This process will take approx. 30 minutes once you are set up to update your device. Click here to find out how to update your device;
Option 2
You can elect to send your device into Hema:
- Level 1/21 Brandl St, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113
- 3 Wyman Place Braeside VIC 3195
and we’ll do the updates to ensure the Hema Nav is operating and send it back to you asap.
Please include your name, phone number, email address and return postal address.
Option 3
A premium service of $99 where we’ll send you a reply-paid post bag, the device comes back to Hema for updating, it is re-flashed and returned to you with a three- year membership extension along with one year free of our Hema ‘4WD Maps’ pack.
The premium option will ensure you won’t need to renew your software and maps subscription on expiry (Usually $199) within the next three years, plus it will also give you one year free of our Hema 4WD Map package usable in the ‘4WD Maps’ application on your device.
Click here to view and purchase on the Hema Maps Store.