The Hema Maps Tech Support System encompasses a number of facilities.
- Knowledgebase
- Tech Support Ticket System
- Telephone Support
Generally, if you are looking for assistance, follow this process:
- Look for an answer to your query in the Knowledgebase.
- If you cannot find an answer within the Knowledgebase articles, submit a ticket to the Ticket System.
- Contact Tech Support via telephone if you require further assistance.
The Knowledgebase (KB) is designed to answer many questions related to your use Hema Maps products.
Hema's current range of digital products includes:
- Hema Navigator product line (HN7, HX-1, HX-2)
- 4x4 Explorer app for Android and iOS
- Hema 4WD maps app for iOS
- CamperX app for Android and iOS
- Hema Explorer app for Android and iOS
KB articles are assigned to categories in an effort to help you find what you are looking for.
Articles are generally divided into per product top-level categories (ie. HN7 Navigator) which contain additional sub-categories to help narrow down your search.
Some articles exist in more than one category, as they are not specific to a particular product.
What's in the Knowledgebase?
We try to maintain a list of articles which are based upon the questions we get asked related to Hema's range of products.
Sometimes, we can anticipate likely questions, and have a KB article ready for action before anyone has thought of it ;-)
Sometimes, a new article will be created directly as a result of enquiries made through our Support Ticket system (
What's NOT in the Knowledgebase?
We generally do not provide any specific information related to non-Hema hardware, unless there is some specific interaction with our software or apps.
If you are looking for information about what a particular button does on your new iPad, then it is not likely to be here.
In these cases, you will likely be better served by visiting the manufacturer's website or using Google (or whatever your favourite search engine is), to search for this information.
Finding the Information you are looking for
Finding articles directly
You can browse through the categories directly using the tree view on the left of the KB page.
For example, you might be looking for information related to updating your street maps on your HN7.
You can open the HN7 Navigator category, then open the iGO - Street sub-category. You will quickly see what articles and other sub-categories exist in this category, and (hopefully) find the information you are looking for.
There is a lot of information in the Knowledgebase.
If you do not find what you are looking for, try changing the text you enter in the search box.
Be brief, but not TOO brief!
- It is probably better to type a single word or a few brief words, rather than a big sentence. (ie. rather than typing "how to put gps coordinates into Hema HN7", just type "coordinates").
Tech Support Ticket System
If you do not find the information you are looking for within the Knowledgebase, you can submit a ticket on the Hema Tech Support Ticket system.
This system is designed so that issues can be tracked to their completion.
Please be sure to search the Knowledgebase for an answer prior to submitting a ticket. Many times your enquiry has already been answered in a Knowledgebase article.
When submitting a Tech Support request (called a ticket within the system), please supply as much information about the issue as you can. This will enable the Tech Support staff to provide timely and accurate support.
Telephone Support
If you cannot find the information you are looking for within the Knowledgebase, please call us on 07 3340 0000 and ask to speak to a Tech Support Consultant.
Phone support is provided between the hours of 9:00 AM and 03:00 PM (AEST) on weekdays.