HX2 - Search Yielded No Results

No address results from the search? Can't find a town? Check that the field tabs are set to - on.

If you type something in the search field, you may experience:

- Your Search yielded no results.

This may because the field you need is turned off.

In this example the Address Tab is off, so the unit will not search for any Addresses.


Just press the grey Address tab to turn it back on again.


Depending on the type of exploring or touring that you are doing you may want to narrow the search by de-selecting some of the tabs. In this example, I have turned off:

Points of Interest



You will notice that under Address, the Lat/Long still shows up as that is the co-ordinates for that place - Eight Mile Plains.

Now, when I press the Points of Interest tab, the POI are added to the search:

Even with the Points of interest turned off in Search, the POI will still show up in the map.

  It just makes the search faster if it doesn't have to look through every fuel station, public toilet ect when searching for an address only.

If you are still having problems, please don't hesitate to call our customer support team for assistance or submit a ticket with the issue and we will get in touch.

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