HX-2 - How do I switch Navigation mode

There are three ways to change the Navigation mode on your HX-2.

Step 1

The first way to switch modes is from the main screen.

All you need to do is select the mode you would like.

1    On-Road

2    Off-Road

3    Adventure Maps

Step 2

You can also switch modes via the main menu.  Click on the Main Menu [4] icon in the top left hand corner of the screen

Step 3

Then from the Map [5] section select the mode you would like to switch too.

Step 4

If you are already in one of the navigation modes then you can use the Quick Mode Select [6] icon in the top right of the screen and then select the mode you would like to load.

If the steps above do not resolve this issue, please contact our technical support team for further assistance.

You can submit at technical support ticket via our website at http://kb.hemamaps.com/kb-tickets/new